Getting Started

Discover how to get started with cyberphinix, including registration, initial login, and setting up your profile and account. Click here to learn more.

Are you a service provider looking to showcase your portfolio to a broader audience? This feature is designed specifically for you. Click here to learn more.

Looking for qualified employees? We've got you covered! Our marketplace allows you to post job vacancies and connect with top talent. Click here to learn more.

With the Request for Quotation feature on our marketplace, you can connect with multiple providers effortlessly with just one click. Click here to learn more.

Cyber Insurance

Create cyber insurance

To create a cyber insurance, navigate to “My insurances” under ” Management” and select “Create new cyber insurance”. Complete at least all the required fields marked with an asterisk. Finally, save the cyber insurance to complete the creation process.

Publish cyber insurance

As already described for the services, cyber insurance must also be published so that it is publicly visible to all users. Simply click on the toggle button. As the publication of cyber insurance is subject to a fee, you will be asked to make a payment to make your cyber insurance publicly visible. Select the appropriate package and make the payment.

Important: Publication cannot be reversed. If you want to remove the offer or no longer want it to be visible for any other reason, you must delete the cyber insurance. Please note that deleting the cyber insurance means that no costs will be refunded. Therefore, be careful not to delete the cyber insurance by mistake.

Edit cyber insurance

The procedure for processing cyber insurance is identical to that for benefits. Click on the button with the pencil icon to call up the cyber insurance form, which is already filled in with the cyber insurance data. You can then make your changes and save them accordingly. For cyber insurance policies that have already been published, the changes are applied and displayed immediately.

Delete cyber insurance

To delete a cyber insurance policy, simply click on the recycle bin icon under “My services”. A confirmation dialog will then appear in which you must confirm your decision to delete the cyber insurance. Please note that the deletion is irrevocable and no costs will be refunded.

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