How to - Services
Create a service
To create a service, navigate to “Management,” then click on “My Services” and select “Create a New Service.”
Fill out all fields thoroughly, ensuring you explain your service as comprehensively as possible. Your goal is to persuade potential customers to order your service. Insufficient information may deter customers from choosing your service.
Once all fields are completed, click “Save” at the bottom. Your service is now created, but please note that it is not yet publicly visible at this point.
Important: Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Publish a service
Once you’ve created a service, it will appear in your services list under “My Services.” To make the service visible to the public, toggle the button on the right-hand side. If the button is not colored, it indicates that the service is not yet published. After clicking the publish button, a confirmation prompt will appear. Ensure that your service is ready for publication. If it is, click the check button to confirm. Now it is visible to all users.

Edit a service
To edit an existing service, select the button with the pen icon. This action will display the form previously encountered during service creation, containing all the filled information of the service. Proceed to make the necessary edits to your service and then click “Save” at the bottom. Any changes made will be immediately visible to users if the service is already published.

Delete a service
To delete a service, simply click on the trash icon located in “My Services”. This action will prompt a confirmation dialogue to appear, where you must confirm your decision to delete the service. Please note that the deletion is irreversible.